Virtual Regatta

Virtual Regatta

To take part in the Official Vendée Globe Virtual Race with your own Imoca: Please contact our Communication Officer from NOY: Anne-Lyse Riot to get the codes To follow Benjamin Dutreux’s progress live and send him encouraging messages, download his team’s...
LEMS Stay connected 13

LEMS Stay connected 13

Click HERE to find the presentation of the last LEMS Stay Connected. We remind you that this document is for internal use only and shall not be distibuted outside of Les Eoliennes en mer projects
New comer

New comer

This week, we welcome Laura Azzopardi, our new Human Ressources Director. We wish Laura a warm welcome.
France Energies Marines tribune

France Energies Marines tribune

Early October, Maud and Emilie had the opportunity to participate in a “virtual” tribune organized by France Energies Marine about environmental recommendations. Click HERE to listen to their presentation.
Social medias

Social medias

Don’t hesitate to follow our projects on social medias to get the latest news of our projects: Facebook: EMYN, EMDT Twitter: EMYN, EMDT But also on youtube: EMYN, EMDT and Linkedin: LEMS