Attestation de déplacement

Attestation de déplacement

This first stage of deconfinement will last until December 15, meaning travel exemption forms will be required for all journeys outside the home until this date at the earliest. Click here to get the updated attestations from the government website!...
New comers

New comers

Today we welcome 2 new members in the EPCI Department. Stephanie Rits, the new Technical Interface Manager. Jonathan Mawet, the Certification Manager. We wish them a warm welcome and look forward to see them in person!
LEMS Advent Calendar

LEMS Advent Calendar

We are pleased to introduce you the LEMS Advent Calendar. Starting today and until December 25th, come and visit DORY for your daily gift!! Quizz, HSE Information, News, Memories, Vendee Globe updates and many other surprises to come between now and...