LEMS 2019 Team Event

LEMS 2019 Team Event

Morning in the office 13h15: Broadcast of HSE Challenge videos in Board Room 14h00: Departure by bus to Loisirs Prod in Pontault-Combault for the Team Building 15h15: Safety brief from Loisirs Prod’s team before the start of the activity 15h30: Start of the Team...

Next Tuesday, our colleague (and professional comic) Alexandre Guyenne is having a representation with his troupe Le Carré, in La Comédie de Paris. They are doing an original play called: Les Mondes de M. Starck. If you want to see him as you never saw him before, do...
New Comer

New Comer

Today we welcome Andréa Legourd as HR Officer within the General Secretary team   We wish her a warm welcome
La Mer XXL

La Mer XXL

From June 29th to July 10th, EMYN is running an information stand in La Mer XLL in Nantes. La Mer XXL is an innovative exhibition dedicated on Oceans. A 100 000 visitors are expected at this event. During these 12 days, several of you are joining REX team on site to...
New Comer

New Comer

Last week, we welcomed Jordan Rouabhi who joined REX Department as communication officer for the Yeu-Noirmoutier project. We wish him a warm welcome.