GIS Meeting

GIS Meeting

Yesterday, the first CoPil of the GIS (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique) Eolien en Mer took place in Dieppe. 22 out of the 25 members of the CoPil were present and elected Léa Thiebaud from Le Centre d’Etudes et d’Expertise sur les Risques,...
New comer

New comer

This week, we welcome an other new comer in the team: Marion Lanoës. She joins the General Secretary as HR Officer, and will help Marie-Laure in her daily tasks. We wish Marion a warm welcome
New Comer

New Comer

Today, we welcome Solène Person who joins NOY Project as local conciliation coordinator. We wish her a warm welcome!
A new step for NOY Project

A new step for NOY Project

The Administrative Court of Appeal of Nantes rejected last week the two claims made by NENY (Non aux Eoliennes entre Noirmoutier et Yeu) and SPPEF (Société pour la protection des paysages et de l’esthétique de la France) on one side and Gallais et al. on the...


Remember in December, at the EnerGaïa forum in Montpellier, EMYN was awarded the “Everest” prize of the Enerfip crowdfunding trophies for being the first project to collect 1 million euros and EMDT was awarded the “Collective” prize for...