Good news for EMYN

Good news for EMYN

In two decisions of March 13th, the Administrative Court of Appeal of Nantes has rejected the request of NENY (Non aux éoliennes entre Noirmoutier et Yeu) and TPANI (Touche pas à nos îles) against the Ministry decision to renew the operating license granted to EMYN....
Ile d’Yeu – Sea View

Ile d’Yeu – Sea View

Confinement #Day7: As announced last friday, the home working period is extended until March 31, 2020. Lionel, our Marine Coordination Manager, sends us a selfie from his home. How lucky he is to have that superb sea view on l’Ile d’Yeu! And you, how do...
Welcome at work

Welcome at work

In view of the health situation and following the goverment’s measures, people from Welcome At Work won’t be able to ensure their presence in the reception of Le Colisée Gardens indefinitely. However, you can contact them via this email address:...


Click HERE  to see the update about Travel Policy. Until further notice, all professional trips must be adjourned except for imperious reasons which shall have to be determined and approved by the Project Director!