Edouard Philippe’s allocution

Edouard Philippe’s allocution

Today, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe presented to parliament the government’s detailed plan for gradually easing France’s strict lockdown.  Click HERE to watch the key points of this allocution.
Confinement Day #42

Confinement Day #42

Today, Patrice takes up the challenge launched by EMDT last week and shows us how to do a windturbine with recyclable materials.   Click HERE to watch
Confinement Day #39

Confinement Day #39

Today, Benjamin Kermel, our Planning Engineer & Alex Gannyi, take up the challenge after Richard’s nomination. Click HERE to watch Next ones: Carole N’Diaye & Laurent Farvacque    We wish you all a pleasant confined...
Confinement Day#37:

Confinement Day#37:

In parallel with the initiative launched by EMDT on Facebook (click here), we invite you to show your talents at the construction of … innovative, efficient and home made Wind turbines. Are you able to compete with those made by the REX team during easter break ? Take...